Tips For Employees During An Office Move

There are many advantages to asking employees to pack their own office items during a commercial office move. Employees will be familiar with their own desk and department. Understanding how items are already organized within their department makes them the best candidates to pack. Professional office moving companies can definitely handle all aspects of the move but if you need to save on costs, employees doing some of the packing can be the perfect solution. But before they start tossing items in boxes it’s important to provide instructions so employees understand what their duties and responsibilities are.

If you’re going to expect employees to pack then it’s your responsibility to make sure they know how to pack. Many moving companies offer additional services such as mini packing classes where their consultants demonstrate important packing techniques. Employees can learn about how to pack fragile items and proper ways to wrap computers and expensive office equipment. This information will be essential to achieving a safe and damage-free office move and will help save on packing materials like commercial moving boxes.

Once employees have the knowledge about how to pack office items safely, begin by establishing office rules. Advise employees of any restrictions regarding what they are allowed to bring to the new facility. This will help keep things organized, especially if the new office is going to have new furniture. It may even be better for employees to take personal items home. It will first avoid any liability issues should their belongings get lost or damaged during the move. Secondly, employees will be better positioned to determine how much working space is available to them when they are able to see the new office space. They can then bring appropriate personal items back to work.

With technology today, paperwork has become a thing of the past. If your company hasn’t already converted to a paperless office, try doing so now. Transfer cabinets to an electronic filing system, which will cut down on a large amount of paperwork. Depending on the type of your business there might be a need to have some hard copies of paperwork available. Have employees get rid of excessive files and paperwork. Form piles of files that are to go with the move, files to be shred, and paperwork to recycle. Recycle and professional shredding companies will usually offer free pick-up services.

Most important is to keep communication open with the staff and offer help to employees having a tough time balancing packing along with their usual workload. Moving is a big job but it can be made easier with teamwork and the right knowledge. If any extra help is needed when packing, remember that Acclaimed Movers and Storage can help you!

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May 29, 2013 by Stew

thanks for the tips, you guys were great on our move. Also, these tips really did help out. I love reading blogs keep it up Acclaimed!

Acclaimed Movers & Storage (888) 668-3703 12204 Sherman Way North Hollywood CA, 91605 USA 5.0 5.0 1 1 thanks for the tips, you guys were great on our move. Also, these tips really did help out. I love reading blogs keep it up Acclaimed!

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